Ex Whitehouse Official Affirms World is Run By a Secret Organization, But, it’s Not Who You Think

Featured photo: Whitehouse interior decorator trying on the new curtains for the oval office.

A prominent ex Whitehouse official has blown the whistle on the elite group of individuals who control, conspire and manipulate the world governments. The official, after having been ousted from the Whitehouse after the January 6 Capitol riots, has released documents, emails and testimony proving the world governments are being run by a small group of individuals. The Whitehouse official claims this small group of individuals has control, not only over world organizations such as the United Nations, but of social media which would include TikTok, Facebook and X, but they also have compounds with scientific equipment that control the weather.

For centuries conspiracies on world organizations consisting of the most powerful individuals of each generation have taken the helm of world governments and conspired to oppress, control and disregard the majority of the world’s population. World banks, global businesses and the governed cabinets of each country, this elite group of individuals make totalitarian decisions on all aspects of diplomacy. Tracing back through the pages of history books, conspiracy theorists have designated the title “The Illuminati” the elite group who branched out from the Free Masons and began their own fraternity and circle of power. There are also claims that the super rich run the world, men like George Soros, who have power and influence over the Department of Justice. In the most recent “Letter to America”, Osama Bin Laden, like Hitler, was convinced the world banks and organizations were run by the Jewish.

But, according to recent documents, the real power it isn’t any ordinary group of individuals.

Leprechauns run the world. Pictured above is an actual photograph of a secret meeting between three of the most powerful leprechauns in the world. There names haven’t yet been released. According to the documents, Leprechauns have been at the root of world domination for over a thousand years.

Being the original cobblers of the 8th century and gifted with mystical and mysterious powers, the Leprechaun were the industrial masterminds of the industrial era. The documents and emails released verify that inventions such as the shoelace, Velcro, tin foil and the glass light bulb were made, patented and released by Leprechauns. This is in far contrast to the theory that Velcro was initially a telepathically translated idea from extra terrestrials.

Inside sources say that our global power players and moguls such as Steve Jobs, Lady Gaga, Bill Gates and Oprah have reached their success because they were able to not only capture a Leprechaun, but were granted access to fame and fortune with the aid and guidance of one of the elite group.

Not an actual News Media Post/For entertainment purposes only