We had a Linguist Translate the 2nd Primary Debate & it May Surprise You

In the Reagan Library AF1 Pavilion, the second Republican Primary debate was held; and, as it goes for any political debate a lot of rhetoric and party language was used that often gets confused for actual constituent speak. We enlisted the analytical talents of linguist expert Jabadiah Yaks to give you the deets on just what exactly the politicians were saying.

“I don’t know if I’m explaining the obvious,” Jabadiah says, “but what struck me right off was the focus on increasing slavery in America. We start off the debate with DeSantis claiming that Americans don’t deserve higher wages, a shorter work week and benefits and they should stop whining, get out from the picket line and go back to work. This is later reiterated when he answers a question on why 2.5 million of his constituents lack health care coverage, Desantis says,

“Our state’s a dynamic state we’ve got a lot of folks that come of course we’ve got a population boom we also don’t have a lot of welfare benefits in Florida you know we’re basically say we wanna this is a field of dreams, you can do well in this state but we’re not going to be like California and have massive numbers of people on government programs without work requirements…”

Ramaswamy says something similar,

“I do have a lot of sympathy for the workers, I went through hardships growing up… my mom had to work overtime… Hardship is not a choice, but victimhood is a choice.”

This is simply implying that we, as Americans, should shut up and get to work. If you don’t work, we can’t tax you and if we can’t tax you it causes inflation, so essentially, without directly saying it, our candidates are blaming their own countrymen for inflation. Then Haley chimes in with cutting taxes for the middle class, getting money back into the pockets of Americans, this is also complimented by Scott who, when asked about child care costs, says,

“The cost for daycare has gone over 15,000 dollars per child… up to 29,000 dollars, the way we fix that problem is that we cut taxes and give more Americans their money back… let the American people keep their money.”

Which, without saying it, implies that if struggling American families had less of a tax burden, they could pay for their own child care costs without having to sponge off of federally aided programs. So, they won’t be keeping their money, they would simply be able to afford day care to continue working so they could pay more taxes. This is further impressed when our nation’s history of slavery was mentioned, implicating DeSantis in a quote. Scott clarifies from a minority perspective in the seat of a presidential candidate,

“…What was hard to survive was Johnson’s great society where they decided to put money- where they decided to take the black father out of the household to get a check in the mail. And you can now measure that in crime, in unemployment, in devastation…restore the family, restore capitalism and put Americans back at work, together as one American family.”

I can only assume he wants children to work as well, which would lessen the weight of child care funding. Ramaswamy had something poignant to say about being one of the minorities on the big stage,

“I think this artificial division is unhelpful in our party the real divide is not between the republicans on this stage… the real divide is in the majority of us in this country who love the USA.. The idea you get ahead in this country not on the color of your skin but on the content of your character and the fringe minority in the democrat party that has a chokehold over that party, that’s the real divide so this populace vs classical debate is artificial we need to unite this party. “

Which simply means that he views the humanitarian side of the Democratic party in it’s connection to protecting the minorities and LGBTQ in the country as one of the weak links dividing the two parties, but, that’s not entirely everything. He was clarifying the fact that he is the new guy on the stage and also an Indian and shouldn’t be judged by his lineage or the color of his skin, but he is a decent guy. Yet his minority status doesn’t have any bearing on his immigration position, he and most of the other candidates made it clear that they did not want the children of illegal immigrants to be allowed to stay in America.

“I favor ending birthright citizenship for the kids of illegal immigrants of this country… The left will howl about the constitution and the fourteenth amendment.. what it says all persons born or naturalized in the united states, and subject to the laws and jurisdiction thereof are citizens…”

Scott backs him in this saying,

“There’s no doubt of the fact that when you think of the fourteenth amendment it was certainly written as it relates to slavery not to illegal immigration its been applied to illegal immigration so the challenge that we face is in fact one that has to do with whether or not people who come here are under the jurisdiction of our laws. I think it’s simple that clearly it was designed for slavery not for immigration…”

Christie makes the connection between the three when saying,

“Treat this like the law enforcement problem that it is… Send the National guard to partner with border and customs control… to send a much different message, ‘We want you here in this country to fill the 6 million jobs that we have…’…”

Simply stated, if the immigrants were legal, they would be working, and paying taxes legally… under the fourteenth amendment which was written in it’s respect to slavery.

When Pence was questioned on Dreamers he deflected twice, saying,

“I negotiated the Remain in Mexico policy with the Mexican government we used economic power to bring the Mexican government to the table. We reduced illegal immigration and asylum abuse by 90%… we need to fix a broken immigration system and I’ll do that as well… but let me say one other thing about China.”

and then,

“I’ve actually secured reform in Congress… When I was a member of congress in 2006… we cut 100 billion dollars out of the federal budget… This is no time for on the job training…”

As reiterated by our analyst Jabadiah, “It’s painfully clear that Pence doesn’t like Mexicans.”

To sum up this read between the lines, it seems slavery is not forgotten, it’s simply derived different names: lower class labor, poverty workers, minimum wage. Our Republican candidates aren’t saying it directly but they need the backs of American workers to assist in funding for budget cuts to lower taxes so the budget can be increased again. The fourteenth Amendment reads:

Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The Amendment doesn’t specify race, ethnicity or religion, it simply says “persons”. What we have in America is a deep divide between classes, where struggling poverty can only afford to work and those jobs often do not come with health care coverage or benefits and the lack of social economical resources makes it almost impossible for anyone of any race or religion in the position of poverty to achieve the accolades that would bring them into a position of making the much needed changes in the lower and poverty classes. If you only live to work, you aren’t living, you’re a slave.

Not an actual News Media Post/For entertainment purposes only

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